letzte Kommentare / Das mit der "Querfront"... kristof / Ich hatte nach dem... chat atkins / Huhu, Herr Chat.... kristof

Süsswoll ...
... er hat doch Gefühle: "Putin ist traurig."

Minderheiten also ...
... verstärkt durch russische 'Demo-Touristen': "In the meantime, a new poll released by Democratic Initiatives Foundation on March 3, showed that only a third of Donetsk region residents believe that they should be part of Russia. In Luhansk and Odesa this number was lower still, at 24 percent. Other supposedly pro-Russian regions -- Zaporyhzhia, Kharkiv and Dnipropetrovsk -- have 16, 15 and 13 percent of supporters of this idea, respectively." Es ist das Sender-Gleiwitz-Modell, nur in größerem Maßstab ...
