letzte Kommentare / Das mit der "Querfront"... kristof / Ich hatte nach dem... chat atkins / Huhu, Herr Chat.... kristof

Die vielen Segnungen Gaddafis:
"Healthcare is free but dysfunctional. Minor procedures are not available or too risky - remember the AIDs epidemic that hit Benghazi and blamed on Bulgarian nurses. Gaddafi supporters receive excellent care - in Europe. So there was no motivation to spend money on care for the citizens."

"No loans for people except for Gaddafi supporters - then they are essentially given money freely - essentially a bribe for worshiping Gaddafi."

"Educational system is horrible and you can pass by reciting Gaddafi propaganda. It is not based on merit or intelligence. Many fake degrees are granted from East Europe/Russia Universities for graduates who can’t spell their names."

"Salaries are very low and unemployment is extremely high - over 25%."

"True, No begging at train stations - only because trains do not exist in Libya (did exist during the British colonial times). However, begging is rampant in front of mosques."

Kurzum - beste Verschwörungstheoretiker, das 'glückliche Libyen' unter einer unfehlbaren Führergestalt, das ihr euch alle nostalgisch und grenzfaschistisch zurechtträumt, das war auch nur ein Fake. Nur wer fleißig die Kimme schleckte, dem ging es halbwegs zufriedenstellend ...

Apropos - aus Zawiyah fließt jetzt auch kein Öl mehr in Gaddafis Richtung. Der Nachschub entscheidet heute die Kriege.

