letzte Kommentare / Das mit der "Querfront"... kristof / Ich hatte nach dem... chat atkins / Huhu, Herr Chat.... kristof

"A Bahraini military court has sentenced four Shia protesters to death and three to life jail terms for the killing of two policemen during demonstrations last month, state media has reported. ... Government officials have said that a total of four policemen were killed during the unrest that gripped the country in February and March, at least three of whom were run over by cars around March 16."

Dann müsste also mindestens einer der Protestierer im Auto gesessen haben während der Proteste. Die Frage ist, wie er mitten im Protestzug eine solch hohe Geschwindigkeit entwickeln konnte, dass er diesen armen Polizisten so unversehens übermangeln konnte ...

